Course curriculum

    1. Welcome & intro

    1. The What and Why of Google Search Console

    2. Check if your site has been indexed

    3. How it's different from Google Analytics

    1. Setting up GSC on your Squarespace website

    2. Setting up GSC on your WordPress website

    3. Setting up GSC on other website platforms

    4. How to link GSC to your GA4 account

    1. Some things to keep in mind about this data

    2. Exploring and understanding your GSC data - pt. 1 (settings & the graph)

    3. Exploring and understanding your GSC data - pt. 2 (the tabs below the graph)

    4. Page Experience and Core Web Vitals

    5. Looking at your GSC data in GA4

    6. The basics of page indexing

    1. You have pages that you DON'T want indexed

    2. You see important pages that are not indexed (how to decipher the reasons)

    3. You make changes to your site and wonder if you should resubmit your sitemap

    4. Google notifies you about errors on your website

    1. How to set up Bing Webmaster Tools

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Get comfortable with Google Search Console.